Welcome to my web page

I am currently professor emeritus at UVSQ/Université Paris-Saclay. Then, I no longer teach courses, I no longer supervise doctoral students and I no longer have any functional responsibility! An excellent opportunity to continue to be interested in various scientific themes, particularly those requiring interdisciplinary approaches. In the series of synthesis books that I have coordinated (with other colleagues), another book is in preparation on the role of computing and its impact on the acceleration of scientific discoveries or on the scientific methods as practiced  in different disciplines.

Recent Books

Prof. Mokrane Bouzeghoub
Emeritus Full Professor at UVSQ / Univ. Paris-Saclay / Data & Algorithms Lab   
Former Deputy Director of CNRS / Computer Science Institute (2009-2021)

Computer Icons Award, prix, médaille, logo png | PNGEggAcademic distinctions

– Palmes académiques (2022)
– Médaille d’honneur du CNRS (2022)
-Hommage communauté BDA (2023)

Interdisciplinarity – a trip over scientific disciplines

The interdisciplinary approach is the art of articulating analytical tools, approaches and modes of interpretation from different fields in order to develop new perspectives and original questions. This book offers a wide range of examples dealing with various questions: How could robotics help in the management of our water resources? How could certain natural minerals be used to treat radioactive waste? How can medical imaging research be useful to archaeologists? How can the study of DNA give rise to nanorobots? Can the study of sediments provide information on the techniques of the first migratory hominids? Can ultrasound cure cancer? What are the mechanisms of the incredible resistance of tardigrades? Can reptiles help understand sleep mechanics? Can urban violence be modeled and predicted? All these questions mobilize theories and methodological tools from different disciplines. (CNRS Éditions, March 2022)

Towards the Cyber-World – Human-Machine Interaction

Interaction devices establish bridges between the real world with its tangible objects and the virtual world with its abstract representations. How to simplify interactions between objects and humans? How can we make them more intuitive and more ergonomic? How can we measure their acceptability in society? What new forms for immersion in the cyber world? For what objectives and what uses? These new advances do not fail to raise crucial ethical questions: capture of personal data, facial recognition, analysis of emotions, mental control and predictions of human behavior are likely to disturb us and raise fears of machine control over humans. (CNRS Editions March, 2021)

The Big Data Revealed – A synthesis book on how multiple actors see big data.  
What challenges does big data represent ? How to store large volumes of data? How to process them? How to analyze them and extract knowledge? How to evaluate the quality of the data and the transparency of the algorithms that process it? What are the expected scientific or economic benefits? What are the effects induced by the accumulation of data? What about their opening to the market and their monetization? A large panel of experts presents, through 150 summary articles, the state of the art on these questions so that citizens can understand the issues and participate in an informed manner in the social debate that has begun. (CNRS Editions, March 2017)